I've had this idea for over a year now.
This idea that I could take the things I enjoy to make and sew and sell them.
I don't do near as much sewing as I'd like and usually when a project is started, it takes many hours, sometimes many days, to complete.
I get sidetracked.
I get bombarded by the kiddos.
I have to stop and make dinner.
I have to stop to sleep.
Or to clean.
But, I have all this fabric and it's just sitting around.
And I've been sending some things to friends and family and have received kind words regarding them.
I've taken the first steps towards opening an Etsy shop.
I've crunched some numbers.
I've created a shop name
and a new email for the shop.
I've taken lots and lots of crisp photos of the items to be listed.
I just have to take the plunge and list them.
My tiny little space on the internet may get an overhaul soon,
to incorporate the new shop and all it's adventures.
We'll see what happens...